Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Think before you post

Words are extremely powerful!  One can never know how much your words, written or spoken, can effect another person.  In The Last Message Received, compiled by Emily Trunko readers view the last messages of people who submitted quotes & stories to Emily through Tumblr.  Many of the messages are deeply sad but thought provoking.  The end of the book gives readers positive resources for those in need of help.  The Last Message Received really makes you think about what you say and do, whether it is written or spoken.  Remember what you learned in Kindergarten, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it all."   So be kind, celebrate those around!

Girl, Unframed by Deb Caletti

Sydney Reilly is concerned about visiting her mother in San Francisco for the summer.  Her mother, Lila Shore, is a famous actress who has n...